1-26-2022 Wednesday meeting this week is a workshop on co-writing! 7 pm.
Join us at TSAI and on our fb page for a do's-&-don'ts discussion,
helpful to both in and out-of-town members.
The 2022 TSAI Songwriter Awards are coming!
If you are a new member, it's all done on our e-mails and website, so watch
your newsletters for instructions. You will need to be a current, paid-up member
by January 15th to participate.
All current members and some lifetime Industry members will soon be receiving
a special email from tsaisongbank@gmail.com. This will be your Ballot.
This email address is to be used only as directed, please don't send any
correspondence here. The regular TSAI email, tsainashville@gmail.com, is
always used for questions, pitch requests, etc.
All of the nominated songs will be on a password-protected player page.
This includes the Cuts you have sent in. The Cuts will show Writers and Artist,
all other songs will not. You can listen to each, and in the REPLY BODY of the email,
simply type in your selection/vote.
These will remain un-opened until it's time to count them.
1/24/2022 Donelson Pub 7 pm
NEW TSAI Around Town! Starting March 13,
Every Sunday night at Twin Kegs II, we will be having a Songwriters Jam!
7:30 - 9:30, bring charts if you want and play with the Band.
They will write charts for $10. Facebook Live, too!
TSAI Night at 12 Keys Saloon, EVERY THURSDAY!
4719 Andrew Jackson Pkwy, Hermitage Tn, 37076
Contact Richard Trest at tsairichardt@gmail.com to perform.
Remember, you are now on our website. Back up and look around!
Please remember to use the Amazon links on our website when you're on-line
shopping. Going to Amazon from our site helps TSAI!
1/27/2022 12 Keys Saloon, Hermitage 7 pm
2/3/2022 12 Keys Saloon, Hermitage 7 pm
2/10/2022 12 Keys Saloon, Hermitage 7 pm
2/17/2022 12 Keys Saloon, Hermitage 7 pm
2/24/2022 12 Keys Saloon, Hermitage 7 pm
Contact tsairichardt@gmail.com to perform
1/24/2022 TSAI Around Town Songwriter Night
The Donelson Pub. Contact Trey Ackerman at Donelson_Pub_Writers_Night
2/2/2022 TSAI Songwriter Showcase, Cash Creek Club 6:00 pm
Nashville Palace, featuring Kenneth Cole and Ava Paige
3/2/2022 TSAI Songwriter Showcase, Cash Creek Club 6 pm
Nashville Palace, featuring Steve Stern and Annette Barkley.
4/6/2022 TSAI Songwriter Showcase, Cash Creek Club 6 pm
Nashville Palace, featuring Brooke Butler and Craig Hendricks
5/4/2022 TSAI 2022 Songwriter Awards
6/1/2022 TSAI Songwriter Showcase at Cash Creek Club 6 pm
Nashville Palace, featuring Caddo Cats and tbd.
TSAI now has our Stage set up in our office, for all pitch meetings
and small showcases. We are now OPEN from 10 am to 4 pm, Monday thru Friday!
The lobby will be available for songwriting and meeting. Corey Lee Barker or
Richard Trest will be there working.
Special news for our performing members! If you're looking for a great option for
merch, contact our sponsor Helen's Pop Art! We have worked out a deal for you
as a member of TSAI! Links above and on the website.
TSAI has a new Chapter in Colorado!
Contact Revele at tsaicolorado@gmail.com
Remember, TSAI has Chapters in Las Vegas and Cincinnati, and a new one
starting up in Virginia, too.
You can now use Venmo for all your purchases at TSAI! Awards Show tickets,
membership renewals, Real Country Music On Radio wristbands, donations...
Use tsainashville@gmail.com user name.
TSAI now has an active Instagram account! TSAI Nashville
And don't forget Twitter: TennesseesongW1
For all TSAI events streamed LIVE on Majiik, everyone is able to get the app.
Just text "TSAI" to 888-255-0077, click "GET", click "Activate Card" and that's it!
Our Event will show up on their schedule, and all of our events will show up under
TSAI. Streaming cost will be $10, to Majiik when you order, unless noted otherwise.
Most events will also be archived on Majiik, to watch at a later date, until they are
ready for NCTVN.
TSAI needs help with: IT, website development, Blog writing, photography,
social media, accounting, and more. If you'd like to get involved,
we'd love to have you! SHARE-(Volunteer) YOUR SKILLS!
available at tennsongwriters.com
and at Music City Bar and Grill.
Please help us convince Radio there should be 2 separate
Country music formats, Pop Country and Traditional Country
Twice as much room for all of us!
Some recommended Recording Studios
Cash Creek kimo@cashcreekband.com
Dave Smith makinmusictn1970@gmail.com
Pat Lassiter patsbass@gmail.com
Kevin Key kkproductions@gmail.com
Tennessee Songwriters Association, International
2416 Music Valley Dr, Nashville Tn 37214 #133
FOX contains a doubleheader currently though CBS will demonstrate a solitary match in the direction of every single space.If on your own dwell inside of the Refreshing York community, by yourself will check out:Falcons at Giants early upon FOX Buccaneers at Rams late upon FOX Jets at Broncos late upon CBS.Kickoff for presently's match among the Jets and the Broncos is scheduled for 4:05 pm Japanese 2:05 pm community year. Spero Dedes and Jay Feely will contact the sport for CBS. Over and above Contemporary York, the video game will be detailed within just the Albany sector and in the course of Fresh England. The match will moreover be outlined throughout substantially of the Mountain West area. The recreation will…