This Week
Tuesday 12-5-23
Christmas Party and
Sing-a-long Jam
Families welcome!
Remember, new meeting
times are 6-8 pm.
Regular Meetings are
at Sam Ash!
We're very excited to
be using the larger room
and stage for pitches,
more showcases,
workshops, and
other events.
We will continue to
have our
Saturday TSAI Around Town
Rounds 2-5 pm.
We hope more people will
attend meetings and events
here, and PLEASE remember
you're at Sam Ash!
Family friendly, we are
their guests, and clean up
after yourself.
(your wife/mother doesn't
work here).
More info and opportunities
as they develop.
Mail your flashdrives to
152 Dueler Dr
Hermitage, Tn 37076
All other mail to
PO Box 593 Burns Tn, 37029
The 2024 TSAI Songwriter Awards
will be Saturday March 23, 2024
2pm, Sam Ash Music
Make your plans Now!
Eligible voters should have
received their first instructions
from tsaisongbank@gmail.com
Please do not use this
email address for
questions or other
Saturday Evening Dec 9
Sam Ash Music
A Special Music Event
6:30 pm
Appearance by
Jarod James Nichols
and Meet'n -Greet!
TSAI will be there too!
Our account has been revised.
SAME handle as before,
For Pitch procedure,
See previous Newsletters
and website.
TSAI has a QR code!

Takes ya right to our website, how
cool is THAT!
( you're on the site now, but..)
TSAI YouTube Channel
"TSAI Nashville" on YouTube
"Songwriters Workshop Tips from TSAI"
The TSAI Around Town
Artist and Songwriter Showcase at
Sam Ash Stores, Madison, Tn!
Every Saturday afternoon 2-5 pm
Fantastic Sound!
First half hour is open mic, winner gets
added to a showcase spot!
Audience vote, bring your friends!
TSAI channel on Nashville Country Television Network
Our Around Town shows and Awards Shows
are up now, with more coming!
You may need to add NCTVN to your ROKU
On the Home page, scroll down past the
premier networks to "Add a Channel"
Type Nashville Country Television in
the search box,
select the Logo on the right, and let it load.
Scroll across to the TSAI Channel, and enjoy!
We're under "TV Shows".
TSAI has a NEW Domain Name!
Same website, just a new address,
Please begin using this, it will help make
us easier to find on search engines.
TSAI is partnering with our friend
(Award Winning Hit Writer) Chris Wallin,
to get you his fantastic "Building Great Songs!"
See our Home page for details, TSAI members
get a discount, too!
Remember, you are now on our website.
Back up and look around!
"Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home..."
Please remember to use the Amazon links on our
website when you're on-line shopping.
Going to Amazon from our site helps TSAI!
Meeting Calendar
Tuesday 12-5-23
Christmas Song Jam
6 pm
Saturday 12-16-23
at Sam Ash, 2 pm
- Saturdays -
Sam Ash Store in Madison
2-5 pm
We are currently looking
for Hosts for next year.
We hope to continue these,
they have been fun, and great
opportunities for guests, Networking,
and video. If you are interested,
please email tsainashville@gmail.com
- Wednesdays -
Sam Ash Store 3-5 pm
"Play With The Band"
The Ashtones, and maybe YOU!
2024 TSAI
Songwriter Awards
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Sam Ash Music, 2 pm
If you're in the SW Virginia area,
and want to go to the
TSAI Chapter meeting,
contact Brooke McGrady at 540-312-1593
Special news for our performing members!
If you're looking for a great option for
merch, contact our sponsor Helen's Pop Art!
We have worked out a deal for you
as a member of TSAI! Links above
and on the website.
TSAI has a new Chapter in Colorado!
Contact Revele at tsaicolorado@gmail.com
You can now use Venmo for all your
purchases at TSAI!
Awards Show tickets,
membership renewals,
Real Country Music On Radio wristbands,
Use tsainashville@gmail.com user name.
TSAI now has an Instagram account!
TSAI Nashville
Twitter: TennesseesongW1
TSAI needs help with: IT, website development,
Blog writing,
photography, social media, accounting, and more.
If you'd like to get involved, we'd love
to have you! SHARE-(Volunteer) YOUR SKILLS!
wristbands are
available at tsainashville.com
Please help us convince Radio there should be 2 separate
Country music formats, Pop Country and Traditional Country
Twice as much room for all of us!
Some other
recommended Recording Studios
Cash Creek kimo@cashcreekband.com
Dave Smith makinmusictn1970@gmail.com
Pat Lassiter patsbass@gmail.com
Kevin Key kkproductions@gmail.com
John Heinrich johnsteelsax@aol.com
Billy Coane billycoane@gmail.com
If you are looking to edit your video footage, or you'd like stage footage of
your event reach out to Joe @Shocker Editing somairot616@gmail.com.
It can be individual songs turned into music videos or an entire television show.
Tennessee Songwriters Association, International
PO Box 593, Burns Tn, 37029