The 2023 TSAI
Songwriter Awards
will be Saturday, April 29
at Sam Ash in Madison!
2-5 pm, family friendly,
tickets available soon!
Make your plans NOW!
Pitch procedure change.
This will effect only Pitches when
our guest is in the room.
Designed to try to accommodate
everyone, it's now as follows;
Round 1
Everyone will be asked to email
1 song request, (title)
Songs must be received by
that Monday, 4PM Central.
We CAN NOT Guarantee any
songs received after this time.
Round 2, (if there is one)
Only members attending,
either in the room or on fb.
Since your songs are coming from
our Playlist, you can choose any
song you want now.
Any possible subsequent Rounds
In the room only
As always, you may get multiple Pitches
if you're writing with other members.
This week's Meeting
Songwriting Workshop
Tuesday 7 pm
2023 TSAI Songwriter Awards
Step One
Members should have received
an email from
with Step One instructions.
If you're a current member and
did not, contact us
Be watching for your Awards Ballots!
If you're a member, you'll be receiving
an email from tsaisongbank@gmail.com
Marked "Awards Ballot"
Open it.
Go to password protected page on
our website
and listen to the nominated songs.
Type your winner's names into
the body of the email and reply.
DO NOT REPLY with a question or
that will count as your Ballot!
Any correspondence should go
to our regular email.
If you're not a current Member,
Back up to the Home Page
and follow instructions
TSAI has a QR code!

Takes ya right to our website, how
cool is THAT!
(of course, you're on the site now, but..)
TSAI YouTube Channel
"TSAI Nashville" on YouTube
"Songwriters Workshop Tips from TSAI"
Be sure to check them out!
We're planning a new one every Tuesday
Great for Chapter leaders, too!
We're excited to announce our newest
TSAI Around Town event!
Artist and Songwriter Showcase at Sam Ash Stores,
Madison, Tn!
Every Saturday afternoon 2-5 pm
First half hour is open mic, winner gets
added to 20 minute showcase spot!
Audience vote, bring your friends!
To book, contact
Steve Stern newanthemmusic@comcast.net
Richard Trest tsairichardt@gmail.com
TSAI channel on Nashville Country Television Network
Our Around Town shows and Awards Shows
are up now, with more coming!
You may need to add NCTVN to your ROKU
On the Home page, scroll down past the
premier networks to "Add a Channel"
Type Nashville Country Television in the search box
select the Logo on the right, and let it load.
Scroll across to the TSAI Channel, and enjoy!
We're under "TV Shows".
TSAI has a NEW Domain Name!
Same website, just a new address,
Please begin using this, it will help make
us easier to find on search engines.
(old ones still work, too)
We are open most weekdays,
for songwriting, 10 am to 4 pm.
If you are looking for songs, just email TSAI at
Tsainashville@gmail.com when you want to come by!
TSAI is partnering with our friend
(Award Winning Hit Writer) Chris Wallin,
to get you his fantastic "Building Great Songs!"
See our Home page for details, TSAI members get
a discount, too!
Click on the Members Page Tab
and use the password you were given
to vote for your Awards ballot.
If you didn't receive a password and are a current member,
Remember, you are now on our website.
Back up and look around!
"Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home..."
Please remember to use the Amazon links on our
website when you're on-line shopping.
Going to Amazon from our site helps TSAI!
Meeting Calendar
Tuesday 2-14-23
Songwriting Workshop
Tuesday 3-14-23
Pitch-a-Pro 7 pm
Steve Bloch
Black River Entertainment
- Every Wednesday -
Bad Axe Throwing Nashville
648 Fogg St 6 - 9 pm
Hosted by Bobby Ray
contact bobbyraymusic162@gmail.com
- Saturdays -
Sam Ash Store in Madison
2-5 pm
Richard Trest tsairichardt@gmail.com
Steve Stern newanthemmusic@comcast.net
If you're in the SW Virginia area, and want to go to the TSAI Chapter meeting,
contact Brooke McGrady at 540-312-1593
Special news for our performing members! If you're looking for a great option for
merch, contact our sponsor Helen's Pop Art! We have worked out a deal for you
as a member of TSAI! Links above and on the website.
TSAI has a new Chapter in Colorado!
Contact Revele at tsaicolorado@gmail.com
Remember, TSAI has Chapters in Las Vegas and Cincinnati, and a new one
starting up in Virginia, too.
You can now use Venmo for all your purchases at TSAI! Awards Show tickets,
membership renewals, Real Country Music On Radio wristbands, donations...
Use tsainashville@gmail.com user name.
TSAI now has an active Instagram account! TSAI Nashville
And don't forget Twitter: TennesseesongW1
TSAI needs help with: IT, website development, Blog writing, photography,
social media, accounting, and more. If you'd like to get involved,
we'd love to have you! SHARE-(Volunteer) YOUR SKILLS!
available at tsainashville.com
Please help us convince Radio there should be 2 separate
Country music formats, Pop Country and Traditional Country
Twice as much room for all of us!
Some other
recommended Recording Studios
Cash Creek kimo@cashcreekband.com
Dave Smith makinmusictn1970@gmail.com
Pat Lassiter patsbass@gmail.com
Kevin Key kkproductions@gmail.com
John Heinrich johnsteelsax@aol.com
If you are looking to edit your video footage, or you'd like stage footage of
your event reach out to Joe @Shocker Editing somairot616@gmail.com.
It can be individual songs turned into music videos or an entire television show.
Tennessee Songwriters Association, International
2416 Music Valley Dr, Nashville Tn 37214 #133