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NEWSLETTER 6-13-22 (click to open)

Writer's picture: TSAITSAI

The 2022 TSAI Songwriter Award winners are now

listed on the Awards '22 page,

and the show is still on our fb page.

Donations gladly accepted!

The winners present will receive

trophies at an Awards presentation at a later date in July.


TSAI Around Town at the Opry Backstage Grill is back!

Every Tuesday, 6-8 pm

A rotation of hosts will keep it fresh too!

Check the Around Town page for host schedule.

This is another great networking and pitch opportunity!

PLEASE come out to these events!


You want to write with up-and-coming Artists? HERE THEY ARE!

We had a Pitch in the office this week, Pick-ups will

be on that page when we get them!

Pitch opportunity!

Red Country records is looking for

"family friendly" novelty songs for Shellem Cline.

Please send 1 mp3 and lyric sheet to

Recording soon!

Cash Creek Club will resume in July, as will

our Jammin' At The Creek shows.

We're back at The Rudder Marina for the Summer!

This month, June 22.

See Around Town page for schedule.

Great news! We are now able to expand into the next room,

so regular Wednesday meetings will resume soon.

Workshops, critiques, and most pitches, as they come up.

Also guitar pulls, showcases, and more!

Most will be on our website or facebook page.

We are open most days now, with our Playlist there for Industry access.

This will also get more pitch options during the day for you.

Songs Pitched and Songs Picked-up pages will be updated for you, too.

TSAI Around Town at the Opry Backstage Grill is back!

Every Tuesday, 6-8 pm

A rotation of hosts will keep it fresh too!

Check the Around Town page for host schedule.

This is another great networking and pitch opportunity!

Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for TSAI Around Town happenings,

or go to TSAI Around Town page. PLEASE get out and support your

local musicians & fellow songwriters, and NETWORK!


TSAI is partnering with our friend (Award Winning Hit Writer) Chris Wallin to get you his

fantastic "Building Great Songs!"

See our Home page for details, TSAI members get a discount, too!

Click on the Members Page Tab and use the password you were given to vote for your ballot

If you didn't receive a password and are a current member email

Remember, you are now on our website. Back up and look around!

Please remember to use the Amazon links on our website when you're on-line

shopping. Going to Amazon from our site helps TSAI!


TSAI Around Town


- TSAI Around Town @ Nashville Coffees 10am -1pm Hosted by Jaye D Marie (Except Last Sunday of the month) Contact

- TSAI Around Town @ Copper Branch 2pm-6pm Hosted by Jaye D Marie Contact


-TSAI Around Town @ Nashville Coffees, every Tuesday night, 4-9 pm

-TSAI Around Town at The Opry Backstage Grill, 6-8

This week's host, Richard Trest


1st Wednesday of month TSAI Jammin' By The Creek, opening for Cash Creek Club

Next one in July


-TSAI Around Town @ Stu Phillips Stage D'Or 6:30 pm Hosted by Steve Stern



-2nd & 4th Fridays TSAI Around Town @ Copper Branch 5pm-9pm Hosted by Jaye D Marie



-TSAI Around Town @ 12 Keys Saloon 3pm-6pm Hosted by Jaye D Marie


Most of these events will be filmed for our multiple television shows we are creating to air on the Nashville Country Television Network streaming on Roku and other platforms


If you're in the SW Virginia area, and want to go to the TSAI Chapter meeting,

contact Brooke McGrady at 540-312-1593

TSAI now has our Stage set up in our office

We are currently OPEN from 10 am to 4 pm, Monday thru Friday!

(most of the time)

The lobby will be available for songwriting and meeting. Corey Lee Barker or

Richard Trest will be there working.

If you're a Publisher, Plugger, or Producer, stop by!

Our Playlist Catalog is here for you!

Special news for our performing members! If you're looking for a great option for

merch, contact our sponsor Helen's Pop Art! We have worked out a deal for you

as a member of TSAI! Links above and on the website.

TSAI has a new Chapter in Colorado!

Contact Revele at

Remember, TSAI has Chapters in Las Vegas and Cincinnati, and a new one

starting up in Virginia, too.


You can now use Venmo for all your purchases at TSAI! Awards Show tickets,

membership renewals, Real Country Music On Radio wristbands, donations...

TSAI now has an active Instagram account! TSAI Nashville

And don't forget Twitter: TennesseesongW1


For all TSAI events streamed LIVE on Majiik, everyone is able to get the app.

Just text "TSAI" to 888-255-0077, click "GET", click "Activate Card" and that's it!

Our Event will show up on their schedule, and all of our events will show up under

TSAI. Streaming cost will be $10, to Majiik when you order, unless noted otherwise.

Most events will also be archived on Majiik, to watch at a later date, until they are

ready for NCTVN.


TSAI needs help with: IT, website development, Blog writing, photography,

social media, accounting, and more. If you'd like to get involved,

we'd love to have you! SHARE-(Volunteer) YOUR SKILLS!


available at

Please help us convince Radio there should be 2 separate

Country music formats, Pop Country and Traditional Country

Twice as much room for all of us!


Some recommended Recording Studios

Pat Lassiter

If you are looking to edit your video footage, or you'd like stage footage of your event reach out to Joe @Shocker Editing It can be individual songs turned into music videos or an entire television show. Whatever you need it will be the most affordable and best quality around

Tennessee Songwriters Association, International


2416 Music Valley Dr, Nashville Tn 37214 #133

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7 days 1 in just the NFL was a wild and intriguing a single. It was a weekend of upsets as 8 underdogs received immediately up and 11 underdogs included the distribute. As this sort of, excess than 50 % of the Baltimore Beatdown staffand oneself, the readers went. 500 or right here upon selections. There's no far better period in the direction of leap back again which includes the Supply, therefore permit's function it back again for 7 days 2! Up-to-date standings:Spencer 10-6 Kyle, Josh 9-7 BB guests, Dustin Pernell McPhee Jersey, Jonas, Vasilis, Frank 8-8 Jake 7-9 Consensus pick Patriots Jets Broncos Jaguars Rams Colts Browns Texans Cardinals Bengals Buccaneers Falcons Packers Lions A minimal added parity in…

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