Beginning NOW, TSAI Weekly Meetings will be
EVERY Tuesday, 7-9 pm, at TSAI
Workshops, critiques, and most pitches, as they come up.
Also guitar pulls, showcases, and more!
Most will be on our website or facebook page.
This week, we will have a Songwriter Showcase
Featuring Rebel Fox, and John Cook
These are fun and GREAT networking opportunities!
Pitch-a-Pro Tuesday August 16
Andrew Marshall, ICMA Award winner
Looking for "Edgy Christian Country"
Outlaw Gospel
Start sending your 2 requested titles NOW.
He will be remote, LIVE on our FB page, 7pm
Pitching instructions are on our website.
Pitch opportunity!
Red Country records is looking for
"family friendly" novelty songs for Shellem Cline.
Please send 1 mp3 and lyric sheet to
Recording soon!
We are open most days now, with our Playlist there for Industry access.
10 am to 4 pm.
This will also get more pitch options during the day for you.
Songs Pitched and Songs Picked-up pages will be updated for you, too.
If you are looking for songs, just email TSAI at
Tsainashville@gmail.com when you want to come by!
TSAI is partnering with our friend (Award Winning Hit Writer) Chris Wallin to get you his
fantastic "Building Great Songs!"
See our Home page for details, TSAI members get a discount, too!
Click on the Members Page Tab and use the password you were given to vote for your ballot
If you didn't receive a password and are a current member email
Remember, you are now on our website. Back up and look around!
"Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home..."
Please remember to use the Amazon links on our website when you're on-line
shopping. Going to Amazon from our site helps TSAI!
Meeting Calendar
Tuesday 8-9-22
Songwriter Showcase, TSAI 7-9 pm
Tuesday 8-16-22
Pitch-a-Pro, TSAI 7-9 pm
Andrew Marshall
Live on facebook
Tuesday 8-23-2022
TSAI Open House Showcase 7-9 pm
If you want to play, sign up that night
Tuesday 9-6-2022
Southern Lights Booking
3 Artists, info next week
If you're in the SW Virginia area, and want to go to the TSAI Chapter meeting,
contact Brooke McGrady at 540-312-1593
Special news for our performing members! If you're looking for a great option for
merch, contact our sponsor Helen's Pop Art! We have worked out a deal for you
as a member of TSAI! Links above and on the website.
TSAI has a new Chapter in Colorado!
Contact Revele at tsaicolorado@gmail.com
Remember, TSAI has Chapters in Las Vegas and Cincinnati, and a new one
starting up in Virginia, too.
You can now use Venmo for all your purchases at TSAI! Awards Show tickets,
membership renewals, Real Country Music On Radio wristbands, donations...
Use tsainashville@gmail.com user name.
TSAI now has an active Instagram account! TSAI Nashville
And don't forget Twitter: TennesseesongW1
For all TSAI events streamed LIVE on Majiik, everyone is able to get the app.
Just text "TSAI" to 888-255-0077, click "GET", click "Activate Card" and that's it!
Our Event will show up on their schedule, and all of our events will show up under
TSAI. Streaming cost will be $10, to Majiik when you order, unless noted otherwise.
Most events will also be archived on Majiik, to watch at a later date, until they are
ready for NCTVN.
TSAI needs help with: IT, website development, Blog writing, photography,
social media, accounting, and more. If you'd like to get involved,
we'd love to have you! SHARE-(Volunteer) YOUR SKILLS!
available at tennsongwriters.com
Please help us convince Radio there should be 2 separate
Country music formats, Pop Country and Traditional Country
Twice as much room for all of us!
Some recommended Recording Studios
Cash Creek kimo@cashcreekband.com
Dave Smith makinmusictn1970@gmail.com
Pat Lassiter patsbass@gmail.com
Kevin Key kkproductions@gmail.com
John Heinrich johnsteelsax@aol.com
If you are looking to edit your video footage, or you'd like stage footage of your event reach out to Joe @Shocker Editing somairot616@gmail.com. It can be individual songs turned into music videos or an entire television show. Whatever you need it will be the most affordable and best quality around
Tennessee Songwriters Association, International
2416 Music Valley Dr, Nashville Tn 37214 #133
This was knowledgeable post. I wish for better future.
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